Friday, January 17, 2014

Semester 1 : It's a wrap!

so this is the end of semester one. what to say and expect, i cannot believe that i've managed to complete one semester here. freaking awesome i think. yknow, those unexpected things that you never thought of just turn into something great. new place, new friends, all new lah. my study style also changed. no more playing truant and so on (well sometimes i do it on purpose bhahaha)

done with final exams and i would say it was quite tough. not sure whether i didn't study much for it or i just being plain stupid or adalah tu sangkut mana-mana. ain't nobody is perfect. so now im writing from Kuching Airport Starbucks. Killing time with Syira, Arab and Syida. well Syida probably sleeping right now. Arab tak habis-habis dengan his politics interest. Syira edit gambar??

so in the nutshell, semester one in sarawak has taught me on how to be more mature and calm i guess. no more stupid and unthinkable action that i did i guess?

adios amigos