Friday, January 17, 2014

Semester 1 : It's a wrap!

so this is the end of semester one. what to say and expect, i cannot believe that i've managed to complete one semester here. freaking awesome i think. yknow, those unexpected things that you never thought of just turn into something great. new place, new friends, all new lah. my study style also changed. no more playing truant and so on (well sometimes i do it on purpose bhahaha)

done with final exams and i would say it was quite tough. not sure whether i didn't study much for it or i just being plain stupid or adalah tu sangkut mana-mana. ain't nobody is perfect. so now im writing from Kuching Airport Starbucks. Killing time with Syira, Arab and Syida. well Syida probably sleeping right now. Arab tak habis-habis dengan his politics interest. Syira edit gambar??

so in the nutshell, semester one in sarawak has taught me on how to be more mature and calm i guess. no more stupid and unthinkable action that i did i guess?

adios amigos

Sunday, December 15, 2013

frog-under-the-coconut-shell ehh?

peace to be upon you.

hey aliens. i'm writing from Samarahan. it's just a simple and random thoughts on the nights.
my semester one is almost reach to the end. i'll be having my first paper on this 30th and it will ends on 16th. well i guess being a typical student who procrastinate make me feel a lil bit suffer during this end of semester. kids, do not try this at home. never ever procrastinate ((this is what i said all over again since my foundation year)).

whatever it is, i personally doesn't feel like having a university life here. no fun events, just mere ordinary events that is too ordinary. yes i'm that choosy. if there's any interesting events, i couldn't attend simply because there's a limitation on the participation or wrong timing. yknow. and my residential college, it's too quiet. we don't mingle much as it should be. too sad because university life should thought us on how to socialize and communicate better. idk, maybe different place involve different environment? tbh i'm jealous with my pals in other campus or university. well, maybe this is just the "semester-one-awkward" thingy. i hope for a better change.

adios amigos, chow

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


salam. woot woots!

it has been a while since my last post but who cares anyway. hahaha. this is just a-free-time-with-mood-blog. tehee.

so yeap its already the end of August and i'll be in Sarawak few days more. Im gonna pursue my degree there cause i got a placement in Uitm Samarahan 2. alhamdulillah for the opportunity better than i got nothing and cry at the end. i'll be a student of Bachelor of Administrative Science (BAS). i'll be in new campus actually but since the new campus is not ready yet, i'll be in Uitm Samarahan for err idk couple of months?

anyway, for those who unintentionally or unconsciously read my post, pray for me so that i can get good results for my degree :)


Saturday, June 1, 2013


syukur. ke hadrat-Nya. segalanya dipermudahkan. daripada aturcara persediaan kenduri ke aturcara bertandang. selesai semuanya. tinggal nak mengemas sikit-sikit. 

benarlah kata orang bila kita berkahwin, absolute raja sehari. memang tak buat apa kalau kau kahwin. orang lain yang penat buat kerja. superblah. biarlah. berkahwin tu sekali je seumur hidup bagi kebanyakan orang. apa salahnya. let it be, let it be.

aku? dok mengisahkan plot hidup orang. aku pun ada jugak konflik. sedikit. jika dibandingkan dengan kamu mungkin. nak dijadikan coretan, sehari selepas kenduri along aku kena pergi interview untuk kemasukan degree. i know cu seriously hate it to return to cheras early. hey, his anak sedara kesayangan kahwin dan dia perlu balik awal? whatever it is, i still thanked cu like A LOT. A LOT. kalau cu tak ada, idk what will happen. serious. and the interview went well. alhamdulillah. praise to the Almighty :) now i hope for the best result for my future undertaking. 

PS: seriously freaking need money to watch KIL and berjimba-ramba to genting and to yaya's wedding and so on . . . .

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

pickled sunkist skin with mint


kalau makan oren tu kulit pergi mana? buang kan. baiklah kita buat inovasi. heheh

how to do pickled sunkist skin?

1. mula-mula ambik 2 biji oren sunkist.
2. kupas kulit. senipis yang boleh.
3. masak air gula, agak-agaklah.
4. bila gula dah larut, masukkan kulit limau tadi dan biar dia masak. dalam 5-10 minit macam tu. biar dia lembut.
5. tunggu dia sejuk sikit dan masukkan dalam bekas kedap udara.
6. menjeruk lah dalam seminggu.

*make sure everything is clean. kalau tak, possibly jeruk tu tak jadi. berbuih. sakit perut pulak karang.

juice nye pulak:

jeruk kulit oren tadi dengan syrup dia sekali.
daun pudina.
air kosong.
*gula option kalau x cukup manis.

dan tadaaa !

Monday, April 29, 2013

kalau dah malas tu fikirlah

syaitan. tak habis-habis menghasut manusia, hingga dunia kiamat. bagi orang  lalai akan tanggubghawabnya. well at least syaitan did their job great. to few of us at least. bila nak menang battle ni? it's like a never end war. but sometimes when i think back, is it because of the influences or is it just me? bukan tak nak, malah ada niat nak buat benda yang sepatutnya. but it didn't work out. and i'll leave it to something else. bila nak berubah? tak tahu. masih di tampuk lama. bila nak bergerak? tak tahu. masih di tempat sama. apa yang lainnya? fizikal. mental mungkin sedikit. sedikit, mungkin ubah daripada aspek kematangan. tapi kematangan itu cuma untuk berfikir secara rasional. fikir, tapi tak buat. it is self. diri sendiri. kalau sendiri tak usaha memang tak jalan. jadi, kalau malas jangan jadikan hasutan syaitan sebagai alasan, sebab itu memang kerja dia. apa lagi dia nak buat kalau bukan menghasut? sekarang ni malas itu sendiri terletak pada diri kita. terpulanglah kalai suka ada lebihan vitamin M, teruskan. orang lain tak rugi. awak yang rugi.

ironman 3


i olls dah tengok ironman 3. u olls? herherher. aku tengok dengan mereka-mereka yang sedang bercuti lagi penanam anggur berjaya sepertiku jua. kami keluar berlima. aku drive.bawak unser since abah duit minyak balik kampung so dia nawak kereta merah. foine. i dont mind. as long as ada kereta, aku dah syukur dah. pukul 10.30 pagi bob dag gelabah ayam dia tu call text bagai takut aku tak bangun tido lagi. pukul 11 macam tu ambik erul, alahai tak bangun tidur lagi. aku sampai depan rumah baru nak bangun. lepas yu ambik imah. then we head to big cinemas sitiawan. eh MBO. dah tukar. tapi tukar pun haprak ah. popcorn pun tarak. hangus. so diorang tak jual kat customer. well that's good. and almost all the customers we're drinking healthily, mineral water. sebab air berperisa lagi bergas habis. tahniah. oh ya, kami terlepas tiket pukul 11. this is because we're late and tickets are sold out. bob and along redho, tatkala erul memohon kemaafan.

okay sambung ironman 3, the movie was AWESOME! you guys must watch it. okay, tak nak cerita sebab aku sarankan korang tengok. dan aku tidak dibayar untuk membuat sebarang diskripsi tentang filem ini ya.

adios !